River Crest Academy
Building community through cooperative education

Who are we?
CAHC is a Christian academic cooperative for compulsory age children that meets once a week for 15 weeks in both the fall and spring semesters. Each semester we will have two breaks and one half day assembly with a potluck lunch. We also offer a nursery and Pre-K class. We will meet on Thursdays from 9:00 am to 2:35 pm. We will offer four 55 minutes classes as well as one 45 minute grade level math lab. Our Vision Statement Building Community through Cooperative Education.
Our Mission Statement: Central Alabama Homeschool Cooperative exists to provide quality academic classes to help homeschool families fulfill educational requirements while providing encouragement, support and building up of community in a Christian environment.
Why are we here
CAHC was created because the River Region Area Homeschool scene has grown immensely in the last few years and there are not enough co-ops currently to accommodate all of the interested families. This is something that we have been praying about for a year and felt a release to move forward this year. So here we are, trusting God and following His lead.
Three Building Points
As we began to get more serious about birthing a cooperative we always came back to three main ideas that we wanted to build on.
The first is that the co-op would have academic standards for core classes for all compulsory age children.
The second is that we would have a zero tolerance policy for bullying and/or threatening harm against the co-op or her participants for Jr. High and High School age children. An immediate leadership review for any child 6th grade and below. We will have more detailed information about this in our parent’s handbook.
The third is transparency for all parents. If there is an issue occurring that is or could affect multiple parents or students then all parents will be made aware of the situation. That does not always mean that names and other specifics will be given out, but the situation will be made known. We also want to give all members a voice.
Our Leadership Board
Our leadership board is made up of, our founder and three additional members.
Tanya Murphy – Founder
Rachel Quinlivan
Dolores Burrell
Kristen Brown
This is one of the ways that we will provide members with a voice in the co-op. Leadership members are still required to teach a minimum of two classes to secure their children’s spot, but they will not be required to help in any classes. We will have at least one member of leadership available and in the teacher’s lounge each period. Leadership members do not pay membership fees during their term and will receive an additional $10.00 discount when they come off of their rotation for their duration at the co-op. If a past leadership team member leaves co-op and then comes back they forfeit their past leadership discount.