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Building community through cooperative education

CAHC is a Christian academic cooperative for compulsory age children that meets once a week for 15 weeks in both the fall and spring semesters. Each semester we will have two breaks and one half day assembly with a potluck lunch. We also offer a nursery and Pre-K class. We will meet on Thursdays from 9:00 am to 2:35 pm. We will offer four 55 minute classes. (COVID schedule may vary)


Sign up today! Send us an email:


Our Vision Statement

Building Community through Cooperative Education.


Our Mission Statement

Central Alabama Homeschool Cooperative exists to provide quality academic classes to help homeschool families fulfill educational requirements while providing encouragement, support and building up of community in a Christian environment.


Location: Hope Hull United Methodist Church

305 Wasden Rd

Hope Hull, AL 36043


CAHC Handbook - last updated 05/20/2019

Click to download our complete handbook, we constantly update to reflect the needs of our co-op. 


Is Co-Op For You?

If it is, then you should be able to answer yes to all of these questions.

1. Is your child capable of sitting, working and learning in a classroom environment of their grade level?

2. Are you looking for an academic setting to support your child homeschool experience, not just another social club?

3. Are your (or your spouse’s) Thursday’s completely available to dedicate to co-op during the set semesters?

4. Is your family able to handle the financial requirements to participate in the co-op at this time?

5. Is your child able to understand and fully comply with the zero tolerance policy for bullying and/or threatening?

6. Can you make it to co-op on time for the classes that you plan to sign up for?

7. Even though you may educate using a specific method, do you trust that your children will receive a well-rounded educational foundation at the co-op?

8. Do you believe that other parents have the ability to teach your child?


Our Co-op may not be for you if your child or children have any physical, emotional, psychological or mental impairments that would prevent them from participating and thriving at their grade level independently.



Central Alabama Homeschool Cooperative

Phone: 334.398.2008


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