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Building community through cooperative education


Co-Op Fall Schedule

 We will open in the Fall semester of 2021 with our first day being August 5th and our lasting day being November 11th.


Parent’s Day will be 1 week before our start date on July 29th at 10:00 a.m. here at our host church (Hope Hull United Methodist Church). Parent’s day is Parent’s Only and is Mandatory. We will have orientation, a time to meet & greet your children’s teachers, registration and our building tour. Our plan is to be finished by noon. 


Break weeks will be September 2nd and October 7th. While these two weeks are counted in our 15 week fall semester we do not meet on these days. 


Favorite Character Dress-up Day will be October 28th. It is a fun day for all of the students, regardless of class, to dress up. Parent-Teachers are welcome to dress up also. Winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded at Assembly Day.


 Assembly Day is an important day and we hope every family involved in co-op to make it. This day is considered part of our regular attendance. We will meet at our host church for our assembly and pot luck lunch. The Assembly presentations can consist of either group or individual offerings of art, song, dance, reciting written work, plays, etc. Teachers have the option of displaying work made in class for viewing and/or competition. This is a great time to invite family to come and see your children display their talents and receive any accolades that they have earned. Directly after the assembly, we will enjoy a time of fellowship and enjoy lunch together. There are also a few more things that will be available and going on during Assembly Day.


GOTCHA AWARD The Gotcha Award is a special award given to students of any age group that is “caught” acting in an exceptional way. Parent-Teachers will nominate students they “caught” going above and beyond to the Leadership Board. The Gotcha Awards will be given out at Assembly Day. As well as any classroom awards that teacher would like to hand out EXHIBITIONS & COMPETITIONS Available at Assembly Day



CAHC  CALENDAR – Fall Semester 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Thursday, July 29th – Parent’s Orientation Day1

Thursday, August 5th – 1st Week of Co-Op

Thursday, August 12th– 2nd Week of Co-Op

Thursday, August 19th – 3rd Week of Co-Op(Pajama Day)

Thursday, August 26th – 4th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, September 2nd – Break Week

Thursday, September 9th  – 6th Week of Co-op

Thursday, September 16th  – 7th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, September 23rd   – 8th Week of Co-Op (Crazy Hair Day)

Thursday, September 30th – 9th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, October 7th  – Break Week2

Thursday, October 14th  – 11th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, October 21st   – 12th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, October 28th   – 13th Week of Co-Op (Character Dress Up Day)

Thursday, November 4th  – 14th Week of Co-Op

Thursday, November 11th  – Assembly Day4

Central Alabama Homeschool Cooperative

Phone: 334.398.2008


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