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Building community through cooperative education


Class & Teacher Information


We will only accept two team teachers per class until all classes are full. Then we will allow a third team teacher in elementary as needed or desired. To guarantee your spot in co-op you will be required to team teach two classes and help in one if attending four or more classes. We will assign helpers as needed 4 closer to the start of the fall term. If you team teach three or more classes you will most likely not be asked to help in any additional classes. If there are no team teaching position available, but we have room for your child you will need to help in a minimum of three classes to secure their spot. You cannot team teach more than four elementary classes or three high school classes per semester. If you are mixing high school and elementary you cannot teach more than two high school classes.


Study Halls – Study Halls will be assigned once all other classes have at least two teachers in them, but before a third team teacher in elementary or helpers are assigned.


All 9th – 12th grade classes need to be high school level classes even if they include 7th and 8th graders. If your 7th & 8th grader takes a high school level class they will be expected to produce high school level work. If your child is on the fast track and you want to count it as a credit you can. If not, it is great preparation for their upcoming high school courses.


All elementary classes will have minimum academic guidelines that will show what markers will need to be touched on in each class.

Preschool and kindergarten

for ages potty trained 3-year-olds to children entering kindergarten, our preschool/ k5 program are engaging and fun!

0-3 - Nursery  

At CAHC we love our families with babies. The nursery is for children from newborn to potty trained 3-year-olds. Your child must be potty trained by his/her 4th birthday to join the preschool classes.


Team teachers support one another in both constructing the lesson plans and teaching in the classroom. We encourage teaching each class together to give the children consistency, but you do have the option to split the teaching up into 2 – 6 wk increments or 3 – 4 wk increments if you have three team teachers. The lead teacher in each class will have the responsibility of turning in the lesson plans to leadership, emailing the syllabi and collecting their fees at Parent’s Day.


Lesson Plans & Syllabi


Lesson plans are a layout of what the entire amount of time in your classroom will look like. Regardless of what class you are teaching a lesson plan will be required. Lesson plans help you as the teacher stay on topic, keep the structure and know what you will do with any free time that may be available. Gaps of time are big deal in elementary classes. To ensure you do not have gaps of time in elementary classes find some time fillers such as color sheets, brain games, small toys, etc. that line up with your daily lesson. Lesson plans, also, ensure that in the event that you are absent the class can carry on without interruption or delay. We ask that each class have a STEAM element in it. This will ensure our students are engaged and challenged.


Syllabi will be emailed to the parents a week before Parent’s Day as syllabi are for the students and parents. For 1st through 6th grade syllabi is usually a one page listing of the weekly dates and their topics. As our co-op is a fully academic co-op for all compulsory age children homework may be given starting in 3rd grade. However, 3rd – 6th grade homework must be limited to a simple assignment that requires no more than one hour of work per week. Please ensure that there is a reward system in place for the students who complete their homework assignments such as candy. Also, be prepared to make a big deal out of them completing their homework assignments. They will really enjoy and respond to that.


For 7th – 12th grade students the syllabi should be a detailed lay-out of what is expected as far as required text, supplies and homework. The homework assignments for all high school level classes should provide a sound foundation for earning a credit. Around the end of this school year, we will send out an email with sample lesson plans and syllabi to help guide you.


We are also working on an online password protected log-in for each class where information pertaining to that particular class can be accessed by teachers, parents and the students.

Central Alabama Homeschool Cooperative

Phone: 334.398.2008


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